Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The 3 Best Questions to End Your Interview With - Classy Career Girl

The 3 Best Questions to End Your Interview With How do you know that the interview has gone well? Obviously, you are looking at the reaction of the interviewer when you answer certain questions and assuming how well you did. But usually, as the talk comes to an end, you may still be unsure. That’s because common interviews look more like police interrogations than genuine conversations. However, you can change that. How? By asking questions as well! But what are the best questions to ask? Asking questions at the end of the interview is your last chance to add that last bit of value to the conversation, but you don’t want to risk looking uninterested or unprepared. So, what are these magical questions that will boost your image in the eyes of your potential employer? The 3 Best Questions to End Your Interview On a High Note 1. Invitation to The Dialogue First of all, they are definitely not yes or no questions. As you probably already know, you want to receive a complex answer. You want to ask something about this company, niche or market related. Something you may have seen in the news, read somewhere, or heard from a friend. The trick is to show that you’ve done your homework and are really interested in this specific position. If it’s the head of the department who interviews you, you should ask something even more specific. A true professional is always noticing changes in the niche and never stops learning, so he/she will be glad to share some thoughts with a  fellow specialist. If it’s a recruiter or HR staff, it would be better ask something about the company. For example: “What are the biggest challenges facing the company/department right now?” 2. Notice Details and Form the Picture Asking the good questions that lead to a few extra minutes of talk gives you an advantage. It gives you an advantage over other prospects and the person who interviewed you in the  first place. As  the one who came to the interview and “revealed your cards,” you want something in return. You want to know if the position is worth it. You want  to know what kind of company it is, it’s corporate culture, and its position among the rest. “I was wondering what your best moment so far at [Company Name] were?” Usually, you will receive 3 kinds of answers: 1) You may hear an honest answer about the company’s slow but steady growth, some great clients, and it’s awesome reputation. That’s a good variant. But how do you know that answer is honest? Pay attention to the  mode of communication, the  tone and inflection,  and their body language. 2) You hear a  prepared response that sounds complicated, but doesn’t describe anything in details. Good. You are talking to an experienced interviewer that knows his/her job. You want to work with these kinds of people. 3) The interviewer looks stressed and doesn’t know how to respond. That either shows that the company is experiencing problems right now, or that the interviewer is also a new hire and doesn’t know much yet. Both of these cases may be red flags for you. [RELATED: How To Communicate Your Strengths in an Interview] 3. Ask a Bold Question Sometimes the best strategy is the simplest one. Show extra enthusiasm by asking what you really want to know. “Can you think of a reason I won’t be extended a job offer?” What’s good about this is that it sounds assertive (but not aggressive) and gives you an extra opportunity to remove any doubt from the recruiter’s mind. The interviewer may even give you another chance at the question you didn’t sound too confident answering. Pro-tip: if they give you another chance, they really want you in already. Its important to understand that you may only use one question, two of them, or all of them. Everything depends on the situation and the reputation you created during the interview itself. These questions serve as an  additional value you can bring to the talk and may boost your  chance of getting the job of your dreams by significantly separating you from other candidates. So get prepared and execute!

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